"Greg A. Woods" wrote:
> [ On Wednesday, March 29, 2000 at 13:06:20 (EST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ]
> > Subject: Disable "cvs tag -F" of branch tags
> >
> > Maybe this falls under the "yeah, and any idiot who accidently types 'rm -rf
> > /usr' should have to accept the price", but it would sure seem like an easy
> > fix for CVS to not allow the -F option when the tag is a branch tag.
> >
> > What do YOU guys think?
> Yes, that seems logical -- CVS should not allow a branch tag to be
> moved, particularly if it would be converted to a normal tag in the
> process.
Yup.  About fifteen minutes ago, I typed the wrong tag and changed
a branch tag into a normal tag.  This would not have happened if
the restriction above had been in place.

I have mistyped things in the past.  I have every reason to believe I
will mistype things in the future.  I appreciate all the help I can
get to make sure these mistypings don't do anything too bad.

In this case, it looks irrecoverable.  I updated to the correct
revision and created a new branch tag with the old branch tag name,
but this will mean that any future revisions on that branch will
have a six-digit revision number rather than a four.  I've effectively
cut off a branch and added a twig.  If I'm lucky, nobody's going to
change that branch any more.

David H. Thornley                          Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

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