On Fri, Apr 07, 2000 at 12:59:04AM -0500, Michael Gersten wrote:
> > I don't think CVS itsself has this functionality but you can always go
> > into the repository directories and remove things with rm. Just *BE VERY
> > CAREFUL* when your doing this so that you don't delete something you'ld
> > like to keep.
> Unfortunately, I'm trying to avoid this. I'm not the only one with stuff
> checked out in this.
> Noel, you seem to be the big CVS hacker. Can you do something so that CVS
> will be graceful in this regards?

Hopefully, CVS will NEVER get an uncommit, because it is not what a Version
Control System is supposed to provide. 

> Right now, if I manually remove files from the repository, future
> checkouts will be good, but anyone with stuff checked out will get errors
> if they try to update.
> Right now, if I just do 'cvs rm', then 'update -dP' will fail.

You've read the Cederqvist CVS manual? You'll find it in every source
distribution of CVS and online via www.loria.fr/~molli/cvs-index.html.

What you have to do, is to remove every file inside the target directory:

bash$ cd bad_dir/
bash$ rm bad_file1 bad_file2 ... 

Then you have to remove the files from CVS control with

bash$ cvs rm bad_file1 bad_file2 ...
bash$ cvs ci -m "removing unwanted dir" bad_file1 bad_file2 ...

Afterwards you should run 'cvs update' with the '-P' flag and the directory
will disappear.

Matthias Kranz                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again.
 Fail again. Fail better."     (Samuel Beckett)

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