Hi Noel,

>Short answer:
>Use "find ! -path '*/CVS/*'" (if you're using gnu find).  Otherwise pipe 
>output of find through "grep -v '/CVS/' (you might have to backslash the 

??? Answer to what question? I asked three:
>1. Are there any other people with similiar opinion;
>2. Are there any people with different opinion;
>3. Is there any way to switch off that feature.

The short answer to myself would be:
1. Yes.
2. Maybe.
3. No.

But the long answer is interesting:
>Long answer:
>I've come to think that the Base subdirectory is a broken design.
>1. The copy stored in Base isn't really the version that was originally 
>out, it's the version existing at the time of "cvs edit".
>2. "cvs unedit" is interactive due to it's modification check.

As to "1" I think it is OK. I think I want it to restore to the same point 
as before "edit". Wouldn't change that. This way also "Edit works without 
the server connection" in a way.
As to "2" I see no problem. The problem is to me something that cause the 
loss of work, like editing the wrong file. Not the case here.

>I propose to:
>1. Have "cvs edit" create a backup of the file via the usual means (thereby
>exposing the backup -- not hiding it within CVS/Base).
>2. Have "cvs unedit" solely unedit the file(s) (and perform notifications).
>"cvs unedit" would no longer unmodify the file(s) -- it would be up to the 
>to unmodify the file since he/she now knows where the backup is.
>3. Get rid of Base (as it'll be unnecessary due to the previous).

As for "1" I agree.
Not quite sure about "2". Perhaps it could be smart enought to check for 
modifications and react properly(whatever 'properly' means).
As for "3" I agree.

Just wondering:
Noel, do you have the access to the CVS repository? If you would/do, you 
could fix quite a lot of things there (and get your patches go thru, which 
would make CVS a much better tool :)...

Just my two penny.

Thanks you all for comments and advices. It helps :)


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