I'm not sure I understand this.
SCCS (if my memory is correct) did allow checking out multiple files; it did not
allow checking out the same file by multiple people.

What, exactly, are you trying to do? If you want to check out specific
combinations of files, you can use tags per file (including dates), etc.

The idea behind CVS is that most of the time you want to check out "consistent"
sets of files, and the assumption is that that "set" is on a per-directory, or
directory tree, basis most of the time. (Alas, CVS does not guarantee this under
heavy usage, or nearly-same-time access).


Robert Rosenblum wrote:
>   Please help! I come from a background of using SCCS, where only 1 file is
>   checked out  at a time. Is there a way in CVS to do this? If not, can you
> suggest a way
>   to script a solution which accomplishes this?
> I've read a little about tagging specific file versions. However this doesn't
> seem general enough to pull out any combination of files from the
> repository
>   Thanks much for your help.
>   Regards,
>   Robert Rosenblum

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