Hmmm.  What about the write bits specifically?

Plain vanilla CVS will make things writable by default.  I don't know what gains
would be gotten if someone were to "chmod -w" a file in their working directory.
But, if someone did, should "cvs up" turn the write bits on again?

The other case (which is more important) is if CVS were set up in such a way as
to make files read-only by default (eg by using "cvs watch on").  If someone
either "chmod +w" or "cvs edit" the file, should "cvs up" turn the write bits
off again?

Although the execute bits are a little less important (since someone could go in
the repo and chmod the archive directly), I think the situation should still be
discussed a bit.  I can see someone trying to "cvs ci -f" a file 'cos he/she
changed the execute bits.  A "cvs up" shouldn't change it back before the

It doesn't make sense at all to change the read bits so let's not discuss it.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 2000.04.28 17:30:49

cc:   (bcc: Noel L Yap)
Subject:  Re: philosophy question about CVS and permissions

Well, hmm... the question is, then, should the mode of a file be part of
the information the cvs is responsible for "controlling".

As it is right now, the mode the file is in when it is first added is what
it will always have unless you go change the mode in the actual

it would be nice if there was a cvs chmod command that would change the
mode of a file within the conciousness of cvs, and if such mode changes
were recorded and could be manipulated like any other changes.

until then, i think cvs shouldn't change the mode of the file unless the
file has been updated, in which case cvs should give you what it has, with
its stored permissions.  if you want different ones, change it in the


On Fri, 28 Apr 2000, Noel L Yap wrote:

> If I have a copy of a file and I do "cvs up", should CVS change the mode (ie
> read, write, execute bits) of the file?  IMHO, it should not since, the only
> permissions wouldn't match that of the archive (aside from the write bits of
> course) would be if I explicitly changed them.  I should expect CVS not to
> change them back.  Any other opinions/comments?
> Noel

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