Does anyone have a script or other instructions handy on how to do this?  I
haven't done much shell work yet, and am already behind schedule coding the
project I need to get back into CVS.

In any case, thanks for the pointer on the problem!

Kerry L. Bonin

At 05:48 PM 4/28/00 -0500, Brian Huddleston wrote:
>> W. L. Estes writes:
>> >
>> > $ cvs -f -d :pserver:wlestes@michael:/usr/local/CVS checkout wlcd
>> > cvs server: cannot open /root/.cvsignore: Permission denied
>> > cvs [server aborted]: can't chdir(/root): Permission denied
>> >
>> > why is cvs even *looking* in root's home directory for anything? and
>> > how can this bug be fixed?
>> It's a Linux bug -- things started by inetd have $HOME set and CVS
>> believes $HOME.  You need to change inetd.conf: you can either use env
>> to run cvs with a pristene environment or you can run a shell script
>> that unsets $HOME and then runs cvs.  And please complain to your
>> favorite Linux support organization (assuming you have one) to either
>> fix this bug or explain why it's not a bug.
>I don't know why inetd has $HOME set.  Could someone explain to me why
>CVS in pserver mode should be looking at $HOME at all?
>Sort of on the idea that if it's daft for inetd to set a variable like $HOME
>a *server* process, it is also daft for cvs running in *server* mode to
>it being set.  Does this have some sort of utility I'm not thinking of?
>Brian Huddleston
>Huddleston Consulting

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