
I found the answer (www.wincvs.org/howto/cvsdoc/cvs_21.html#Sec180).
Thanks anyway. 


On Tue, 9 May 2000, Walter M. Yuan wrote:

> Hi, 
> I must have seen this question being brought up recently, could someone
> forward me the solution/suggestions? Thanks a bunch! 
> cvs commit -m "no message" CreateAccount.py (in directory
> C:\WINNT\Profiles\david.000\Personal\Projects\MyProj\)
> cvs server: [16:05:42] waiting for david's lock in
> /proj/CVSrepo/MyProj
> we have cvs server running on a solaris ultra machine. The windows clients
> are running wincvs1.1b13.1. Most of the users don't seem to have this
> problem. 
> regards, 
> --Walter
> Walter M. Yuan--  CASSEL, Dept. of Econ.  
> Bunche Hall, UCLA, 
> Los Angeles, CA 90095
> (CIT) :626-395-8091; (UCLA):310-206-7466

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