A different question then: Attempting to use WinCvs 1.0.6 (the stable
version) results in a null pointer exception (trying to read address 0)
right after bringing up the 'splash' window. (This was the behavior that
prompted me to upgrade, btw). Any ideas? Or is it also reinstall NT?

> > I have NT 4, service pack 6, but I seem to be missing ShlwApi.dll, which
> > wincvs needs.
> >
> > Where can I get this dll?
> >
> > I had an earlier version of WinCvs (1.0.6), but uninstalled it to use
> > 1.1b13; that needs this dll.
> >
> This is part of the system DLLs (the 'shell lightweight API').  If it's been deleted 
>on your system
> I expect it's on the install CD.

How many times now have I had to reinstall NT? :-)

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