On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 09:57:47AM -0400, Noel L Yap wrote:
> The problem with ssh is that it requires a login shell into the server (please
> correct me if I'm wrong 'cos I've been looking for a way around this).

The user needs an *account* on the server; they don't need to be
able to log into it.  I haven't tried this, but you should be
able to do something like:
  - Create a login "fbaggins" on the server

  - "*" out the password field (in /etc/shadow or wherever) so
    that the account cannot be logged into

  - In sshd_config, set:
        RhostsAuthentication no
        RhostsRSAAuthentication no
    These prevent any stray .rhosts that may creep onto the
    server from providing a way in -- even from an
    RSA-authenticated client machine.

        RSAAuthentication yes
    This allows use of the key-pair you're about to create.

        PasswordAuthentication ?
    "no" is safer, but "yes" is perhaps more convenient for those
    who are supposed to have shell access to the server.  This is
    a policy decision for the box's sysadmin.

  - Create an SSH key pair for fbaggins; give Frodo the private
    key from this pair install on his client machine

  - On the server, in ~fbaggins/.ssh/authorized_keys, put the
    public key from the above key pair, with the option:
        command="cvs server"
    This ensures(?) that the only thing anyone can do
    with the fbaggins account is CVS commands.

Actually, you might not need to create a login for every user.
Just a single one, set up as above, should do.  Give each user
their own key-pair, and put all their public keys in the cvs
account's authorized_keys -- all with `command="cvs server"'
options of course.

Potential problems:
  - That "ensures(?)".  I gather that it's undependable to use an
    account's .profile for security restrictions, even with the
    permissions locked down tight; I'd want to look at SSH a bit
    carefully to convince myself that the "command=" option
    doesn't suffer similar weaknesses.

  - Frodo, having lost a finger to his famous adventure with a
    magic ring, will want nothing whatsoever to do with your
    $@*!# magic key :-)


|  | /\
|-_|/  >   Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  /
to me, Charlie Brown represented the courage to be sincere in the face of
ridicule. he was NOT a loser.  
thank you, Mr. Schulz.
        - Robert C. Mayo

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