[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 05/17/2000 06:35:59 PM
>I differ with Noel: I think that it is absolute anathema to have CVS work
>without a login account on the server.
>However, I agree with Noel about minimizing sysadmin involvement.
>Sysadmin should only be required to set up user accounts.
>The setup of the CVS project, repository, management of permissions,
>etc., none of it should require sysadmin involvement.
>This is one of the biggest reasons I am pro-network filesystems
>and against servers.

Just to clarify, do you think it's better for users to have:
0. no account on the server (eg use a group account)?  From your previous posts,
I think not, but I just wanted this list to be as complete as possible.
1. a user account (that they can't use to login to the server).
2. a login account.


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