> > However, I agree with Noel about minimizing sysadmin involvement.
> > Sysadmin should only be required to set up user accounts.
> > The setup of the CVS project, repository, management of permissions,
> > etc., none of it should require sysadmin involvement.
> > This is one of the biggest reasons I am pro-network filesystems
> > and against servers.

>       At most sites, where some kind of distributed
>       userids and network filesystem is already in place
>       for other reasons besides CVS, it's true that this
>       is the low-admin route.

Just wanted to add my 2 swedish öre :)

I have automized my administration by having the sshd authenticating with
pam to our fileserver (NT domain), and if the user exists there but not on
the cvs-server, it is created and put in the right group.  An rsa-key is
also created and the home-dir shared so that only that user can get to the
key for automatic login.
  This of course gives me no more security than the least of both ssh and
the fileservers, but it gives me the power of cvs knowing all the users,
client-server accelleration and minimized administration.

..Unfortunately I had to hack into sshd to make it able to contiue with
pam-authentication even though the user didn't exist in passwd yet..

Regards, EOF

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