On Tuesday, May 23, 2000 2:44 AM, Keith Refson [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> I'm sure this must be a common question, but it doesn't seem to appear 
> in the cvs FAQ.
> How can I (semi-?) automatically maintain a text string identifying
> the project release version number?  One way which occurred to me
> would be to substitute the text of the release tag, but there doesn't
> appear to be a keyword to do this --(only the RCS ID which isn't what
> I want at all).
How about the $Name:$ keyword?  It expands to the tag, WHEN the tag is checked out.

Chris Cameron                    Open Telecommunications NZ Ltd
Software Development Team Leader
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           P.O.Box 10-388
      +64 4 495 8403 (DDI)                          The Terrace
fax:  +64 4 495 8419                                 Wellington
cell: +64 21 650 680                                New Zealand
Life, don't talk to me about life ....(Marvin - HHGTTG)

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