[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 05/22/2000 06:35:06 PM
>> I see two things that can be done to help with this problem:
>> 1. Wrap CVS and have team members call the wrapper.  Among possibly other
>> things, the wrapper will strip out the timestamps.
>> 2. Use commitinfo to check to see if the timestamps are still there.  If so,
>> abort the commit.  I like this solution better since it's less intrusive.
>I don't like any since both are workarounds. I can implement the first
>easily, though.

For some reason, I consider option 2 to be less kludgy since I don't like tools
rewriting my files for me (as you should, too, since this is exactly what's
causing your problems now).  Also, commitinfo was built for this purpose (ie
validating whether something is commit-grade).


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