I am trying to use CVS on NT. The repository is mounted locally, i. e. it is
not a client/server set up. Now, when developer 1 has committed a file and
developer 2 updates this file, makes some changes, and wants to commit the
file I get a very disturbing error message. 
Checking in footer_part.jsp;

//Geneve/ew3/cvsroot/c2000/footer_part.jsp,v <-- footer_part.jsp

new revision: 1.3; previous revision: 1.2

cvs [commit aborted]: cannot rename file
//Geneve/ew3/cvsroot/c2000/,footer_part.jsp, to
//Geneve/ew3/cvsroot/c2000/footer_part.jsp,v: File exists

*****CVS exited normally with code 1*****

I. e. developer 2 is unable to commit the file.Any idea what could be done
to circumvent this. Is this a bug? 



Jürgen Eitle                         Voice : +41 22 909-7123
ELCA Informatique SA    Fax   : +41 22 909-7100
rue Rothschild 50            e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
1202 Geneva


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