[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes [using very long lines]:
> One more question though.... when I do an update... I get the response
> quite quickly - but then between the end of the "update" content, and
> the "ok", there appears to be a pause of about 1 second. This seems to
> be much longer than i would expect, is there any particular reason for
> this?

Yes, and no.  It's part of the "timestamp race avoidance" code --
whenever CVS creates or updates files, it sleeps for one second before
returning to ensure that no subsequent process can change the file
without also changing its timestamp.  When the standard CVS client does
an update, it sends all the directory and file information and then does
one update, so there's only one sleep; you're sending an update for each
file, so you're paying a much higher price than you should be.  You
should probably change your client to work more like the standard CVS

That's the "yes" part; the "no" part is that it appears that in
client/server CVS, the client and the server *both* sleep; I can't see
any reason for the server to sleep if the client is going to, so perhaps
that should be changed.

-Larry Jones

My brain is trying to kill me. -- Calvin

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