Rich Salz wrote:
> >
> That is a much better approach -- more general. I have a couple of nits:
> the use of "?:" to determine the strings doesn't allow for growth :)
> If the args were colon-separated key=value pairs, then I could do
> eval `echo $1 | tr : ' '`
> The second nit allows for expansion, and also means xT_ADD could become
> and C_ADD would be
> or some such mixture. (Clearly the opcodes are disjoint to allow a single
> script to handle both things.)
> What's the likelihood of that functionality appearing?
> /r$
Well, we here are sufficiently motivated to go and go this a try in our
world soon. It remains a mystery to me how anything gets into "CVS".
Peter Wolfe Tel: (604) 303-2300
Telos Engineering Limited,
120 - 13120 Vanier Place, FAX: (604) 276-0501
Richmond, BC, V6V 2J2. email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]