On Wed, Jun 14, 2000 at 03:56:06PM -0500, Robert Bresner wrote:
> [mixed CVS/PVCS project (one team using each, with nightly
> merges]
> In my leetle mind, I imagine some Perl script running at night, which would
> (ugh) file by file pull down the latest PVCS and CVS versions, merge them, 
> (this is starting to sound more and more like a mad scientist pipe dream to
> me as well) and return them to their respective repositories. 

A perl script *can't* do the entire merge.  Only a human can
resolve conflicts.  But you're right, it could do some of the
grunt work.  This would be a problem even with two disjoint CVS
repositories, by the way; this part isn't PVCS's fault.

> Politics, you see, is driving this right now, and I, being the cog, need to 
> find a way to make it work, or in very lay man's terms explain to the parties
> involved exactly why and how this cannot be done.

How often do you need to synchronize?  If daily, I strongly
suspect that indeed it can't be done.  If weekly or less, treat
their work as third-party source, and import it onto the vendor
branch.  (See "* Tracking sources::  Tracking third-party sources"
in the manual.)  Synchronizing looks something like:
  - They send you a snapshot of their latest and greatest

  - You "cvs import" it

  - You do a merge, resolve conflicts, compile, test, etc.

  - You ship them what is now your latest and greatest (which
    includes both teams' changes since the last synchronization)

  - They merge this into their code base.  How?  Good question.
    If PVCS provides help with this, great; if not ... that's a
    concrete (ie. not merely philosophical) argument against
    using it.

It might make sense to have your development on a branch as well,
and reserve the trunk for merging.  But I don't know; maybe this
would cause more problems than it solves (especially, getting the
results of a merge back onto your team's branch).  What do other
people think?

Tag like mad, before and after every merge.  Mostly this will
seem like a waste of time and effort, especially when you're
under pressure to deliver the next snapshot -- but sooner or
later you'll be very glad you did it!

> So far I've failed, because
> I don't know enough about PVCS, and the PVCS guy doesn't know enough about CVS.
> The knowledge transfer we've had thus far tells me that PVCS is not right for
> this project at all, and the tells the PVCS guy that CVS is not right for the
> project.

Of course :-(  I suspect that neither is intrinsically right or
wrong for the project per se ... but each is wrong for the other
team's development style.  Not too surprising; each company will
have picked a tool that suited their way of working, or adapted
to the tool's way of working, or most likely some of each.


|  | /\
|-_|/  >   Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  /
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