On 22 Jun 2000, at 13:53, Darryl VanDorp wrote:

>I have a question for all you CVS gurus.
>I would like to when commiting a file to
>have a short text file written to in the
>same directory which contains the tag of file.

I think you would have to have a wrapper script around cvs to do this.

>The reason for this is (yes it's an obscure reason)
>that i have MS Word docs in CVS that I would like
>to add the current issue number to a footer automagically.
>I can add the text file as an external file and have it print
>the tag every time i print the file to get the current 
>Issue number (release #)
You may be able to call some routine in the WinCVS DLL to get this information 
from Visual Basic for Applications.
It's a while since I did any VBA but I seem to remember you could call functions 
in DLLs

Hope this helps,

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Mike Little <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
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