There is at least one exception to case preservation, if you explicitly add
the file:


with the command

cvs add myfile.txt

When I then delete the mixed case file and then do an update, I get


Then the file will be added to cvs as myfile.txt. It seems that the command
line case overrides the file's case. Found this in 1.10.8 command line, and
may be related to specific adds in wincvs, haven't tested it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Alexandre Parenteau [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 10:24 AM
To: Michael S. Tsirkin
Subject: Re: WinCVS case problem


"Michael S. Tsirkin" wrote:
> Hello!
> I am using WinCVS 11b4
> I have the following problem:
> when a file is created with a mixed-case
> (upper/lower) name, e.g. BuildFlow.html

cvs (and WinCvs) are case-preserving and case-insensitive on Windows. It
means that if you had a file "BuildFlow.html", it garantees that the
server get a file named "BuildFlow.html", and not "buildflow.html".

On the other hand, when the client receives the file, it uses
"BuildFlow.html" as the name. Now how it's displayed in the explorer is
up to the explorer/filesystem.

We get that all the time with cvs on Windows, it should work fine. *But*
you cannot have in the same directory two files which differ only by the
case upper/lower, that's the only restriction I know of.


> After I add it to cvs and commit, in the repository
> I see the file buildflow.html
> Therefore, this is a conflict (because windows
> ignores case), and I can not update.
> On the other hand, the file appears as not in CVS.
> Did someone else encounter a similiar behaviour?
> Anyway, it would be helpful if WinCVS would
> recognise this problem (when new and old file names
> are identical except for the problem)
> and either try to handle it somehow, or give a
> meaningful message.
> Thanks,
>     MST
> --
> This message content is not part of Intel's views or affairs
> Michael S. Tsirkin
>     >   Four things are to be strengthened: Torah,and good deeds,
>     >   prayer and one's good manners (Berachoth)

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