[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 2000.07.25 00:14:41
>> If this wasn't a source of misunderstand, can you explain your point "I would
>> not like to see such an insecure mechanism become part of the main CVS
>> executable...".
>Did you or did you not specify that you wish authentication on the server side
>be based on a single username and password for all users and that a user name
>use for logging would then be sent by the client?

My original proposal specified that authentication exist completely outside of
CVS and that the CVS client would send the username to be used for logging.

This particular thread stated that if CVS were to do authentication, it should
be pluggable.

If I had implied that authentication be composed of username and password, I
apologize.  Password authentication is only a subset of possible authentication
methods.  CVS should not be limited in this respect.


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