[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 2000.08.09 19:57:04
>Because, with the patch that I previously posted, that spawned this whole
>thread, my pserver runs in a chrooted partition. I'm defended against the
>risk: even if they break through CVS (which shouldn't be hard) that
>doesn't get them through to the full OS.

So why not chroot the SSH cvs server?

>Under Greg's proposal, based on ssh, they are much better authenticated,
>but if they choose to attack they gain a shell on the root partition and
>shortly after that they're the root userid via some exploit or other.

If you can't trust (layman meaning) those you trust (computer security meaning),
then you're screwed no matter what.  IOW, pserver won't help you.  If they're
trying to break through CVS, they'll also find a way to break through chroot.
At least with SSH, you know who is doing it.

I'd say, give those you don't trust (layman meaning) access to a mirror
repository that you manually audit.  Any changes made to that repository must be
manually transferred back to the real repository.  There should be no way to
connect from the mirror repository server to the real repository server.


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