I can't imagine that a script that doesn't use CVS commands or create the
lock files explicitly would cause this problem.  Are you sure you're not
running two invocations of CVS?  Maybe something about your script hangs in
BASH and you ran CVS again without killing the old process?


Derek Price                      CVS Solutions Architect ( http://CVSHome.org )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]     OpenAvenue ( http://OpenAvenue.com )
I heard a lot of stories in my time.  They went along with the sound of the
tinny piano playing in the parlor downstairs.

                - Humphrey Bogart as Rick, _Casablanca_

Peter Kennard wrote:

> I have a little script I run from loginfo which looks like the below.  I
> gives me a "waiting for (current user)'s lock" error when I run CVS on the
> server machine locally. It is OK on a remote client. If I use "sh" instead
> of "bash" to run the script from loginfo it works fine.  It gives me the
> error with "bash".  I am running an unpatched cvs-1.10.8 on RedHat Linux.
> I just thought I would bring it to your attention.
> inside "loginfo"
> # mod     script                         group files  module
> m1 bash ${CVSROOT}/CVSROOT/onloginfo.sh         g1      %s      m1
> m2 bash ${CVSROOT}/CVSROOT/onloginfo.sh         g2      %s      m2
> ...
> inside "onloginfo.sh"
> # the purpose of this is to make sure the "group" is set for each module
> # so all the proper users can have access to it.
> group=$1
> files=$2
> declare -i state=0
> declare dir
> for name in ${files}
> do
>     if [ ${state} = 0 ]; then
>         dir=${CVSROOT}/${name}
>         state=1
>     elif [ ${state}${name} = 1- ]; then
>         chown .${group} ${dir}
>         state=2
>     elif [ ${state} = 1 ]; then
>         chown .${group} ${dir}/${name},v
>     fi
> done
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