Pradeep Picardo wrote:

> The necessary code is already there in the function start_tcp_server(), it
> just needs to be 'cut and pasted' into connect_to_pserver().

Okay, this is basically what I did, but thanks anyhow.

Also, when passing diffs, in general a 'diff -c' is required for patch.  'diff
-u' is even better, but I understand that not all versions of patch support that
format yet.


Derek Price                      CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]     OpenAvenue ( )
HAMLET                  No, not I.
  I never gave you aught.
  My honoured lord, you know right well you did,
  And with them words of so sweet breath composed
  As made the things more rich.  Their perfume lost,
  Take these again.  For to the noble mind
  Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind.
  There, my lord.

     - Hamlet, Act III, Scene 1, Lines 96-102

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