[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 2000.10.26 13:54:19
>We have been running CVS successfully in its default mode for some
>time. I would now like to add the ability to connect to the repository
>from a remote client . Here are my Q's:
>1. Which is best and simplest way to go i.e.  rsh, authentication,
>GSSAPI, kerberos?

"Best" is a subjective word.  rsh is by far the simplest way to go.  ssh is
pretty simple, too.

>2. How do I set-up the server? It is something like a deamon running
>on repository machine?

Usually (always?) the CVS server doesn't run as a daemon.  It'll run with each
invocation of CVS from the client side.

>3. Would I be able to use the 'normal' CVS concurrently with the
>clent/server config.?

All you should have to do is have the clients set CVSROOT properly (eg
CVSROOT=username@server:/path/to/cvsroot) and take care of how they can log into
the server without having to supply a password (eg .rhosts or ssh-agent).


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