I don't think cvsweb has this function built in, but it is just a perl
script...you could add the features you want easily enough.  I would
probably set up a separate instance for each repository though, it will
cause less headache in the long run as you will have less security issues
to worry about..


Dirk Ruediger wrote:

> Hi,
> I've set up several repositories and installed cvsweb to browse them.
> In CVS (client/server) the access to the repositories is restricted to
> project groups. The access to cvsweb is controlled via apache. By this
> way cvsweb can recognize the user's identidy, but I can't diiffer
> between all the repositories.
> Is there a way to restrict cvsweb's access to these repositories, e.g.
> by checking the repository's CVSROOT/passwd file?
> Or do I have to set up another instance of cvsweb for every repository?
> Tanks in advance!
> Ciao for now, Dirk
> --
> Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
> "A computer without COBOL and Fortran is like a piece of chocolate cake
> without ketchup and mustard."                          -- John Krueger
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