> You write:
> >    Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
> >    /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0     962582  830683   35649    96%    /
> assuming /tmp is part of this device, then if your project is larger
> than 17.8 Megs your probably running out of space on /tmp.

Why? Does CVS copy an entire project to /tmp before performing the
likes of an update or status on my NT client? 
If this were the case, then ALL of my areas should fail, but only
two of seven are failing.

> >    swap                  186640    5488  181152     3%    /tmp
> Does this mean that the swap partition is mounted on /tmp???

Sure looks that way. I don't know much about swap spaces and mounts
or, for that matter, setup of unix boxes.

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