On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 10:54:01AM -0500, Derek R. Price wrote:
> Donald Sharp wrote:
> > Here are some sample cvs history -T output(s):
> >
> > T 2000-11-29 15:21 +0000 sharpd bar.c 1.3 [d:A]
> > T 2000-11-29 15:21 +0000 sharpd foo.c 1.1 [d:A]
> > T 2000-11-29 15:21 +0000 sharpd bar.c 1.4 [b:M]
> > T 2000-11-29 15:22 +0000 sharpd bar.c     [b:D]
> > T 2000-11-29 15:22 +0000 sharpd foo.c     [b:D]
> >
> > Is this ok?  What do people think?
> Assuming "[d:A]" means symbolic tag "d" was added, "[b:M]" means tag "b" was moved,
> and "[b:D]" means tag "b" was deleted:


> 1)  Will sdir/foo.c look the same as othersdir/foo.c?  I ask only because all of the
> other history commands seem to keep <file> and <repodir> as separate fields.

This is easy...

> 2)  Will a symbolic tag be included in the history if it was specified in the tag
> command?  e.g. 'cvs tag -roldtag -b newtag" would list "oldtag" somewhere as well as
> "newtag".  I know this seems somewhat redundant, but it gives the user the ability
> to make quick analyses such as, "Oh, Betty created a maintenance branch from the 4.0
> release"...  Perhaps a "from rev" (see below) format similar to, "symtag:numrev"
> when necessary?

What would you like this too look like( as an example )?

T 2000-11-29 15:22 +0000 sharpd bar.c from <tag/rev> on <rev> [tag_b:A]

> 3)  I'd like to see a "from rev" and a "to rev" for a move ("M") command.  I know
> the information is available form playing with taginfo.

Would this be ok?

T 2000-11-29 15:22 +0000 sharpd bar.c from <tag/rev> to <rev> [tag_b:M]

> 4)  Ditto for a "from rev" for delete ("D") ops.

This is easy.

This is starting to get complicated.  Should we rework the cvs history
output for the 'T' record?

> Derek
> --
> Derek Price                      CVS Solutions Architect ( http://CVSHome.org )
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]     OpenAvenue ( http://OpenAvenue.com )
> --
> Suburbia:  Where they tear out the trees and name the streets after them.

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