Mike Chartier wrote:

> Graphically, this is how things look (in my mind):
>   Module
>      |
>      |
>      |
>      + - Tagged "Software_1.0"
>      |\
>      |  \
>      |   \
>      |    \
>      |     |
>      |     | - Tagged "Software_1.0_Update_1"
>      |     |
>      + - Tagged "Software_1.1"
>      |\    |
>      | \   | - Tagged "Software_1.0_Update_2"
>      |  |  |
>      |  | - Tagged "Software_1.1_Update_1"
>      |  |  |
> Typically bugs are found and their fix needs to be propegated to one or more
> of the "stable releases" (i.e. branches). Can CVS do this easily and if so,
> how. I have tried several things, none of which worked.

I replaced the '.'s (periods) in your tags with '_'s (underscores) since periods
are an invalid character for CVS tags.  Since you also neglected to name your
branches, I have filled in branch names.

Bug fixes between 1.0 & 1.0_Update_1 to 1.1 branch, assuming a branch tag of
'branch_1_1' on the 1.1 stable branch:

    # to 1.1 branch
    cvs co -dbranch_1_1_merge -rbranch_1_1 -jSoftware_1_0
    cd branch_1_1_merge
    # resolve conflicts
    cvs ci
    cd ..
    # to the trunk
    cvs co -dtrunk_merge -jSoftware_1_0 -jSoftware_1_0_Update_1
    cd trunk_merge
    # resolve conflicts
    cvs ci
    cd ..

I'll leave the rest of the commands as an exercise for the reader.  Some people
will tell you to make sure you tag the destination branch before and after each
merge for safety's sake.  So will I, but I thought it would make the example
above needlessly complicated.

If you need more info, try: http://cvshome.org/docs/manual/cvs_5.html#SEC54


Derek Price                      CVS Solutions Architect ( http://CVSHome.org )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]     OpenAvenue ( http://OpenAvenue.com )
I will not skateboard in the halls.
I will not skateboard in the halls.
I will not skateboard in the halls...

          - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

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