"Atkinson, Robert" wrote:

> Am I correct in thinking that the CVS Server has not been ported to OpenVMS
> yet?
> If so, does anyone know of a similar product, free or otherwise, that will
> do the same job (excluding CMS).

Don't know.  There's a binary that does at least client stuff and some other
tools at ftp://ftp.cvshome.org/pub/vms/ .

Nobody's contributed a binary for OpenVMS since 1.9.27, so if you need
anything more recent you'll probably have to do some porting work yourself.
That may or may not be a big deal.


Derek Price                      CVS Solutions Architect ( http://CVSHome.org )
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It seems that destiny has taken a hand.

                - Humphrey Bogart as Rick, _Casablanca_

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