When I'm using cvs to checkin using a LAN in an office environment, I
don't always bother to enter a comment. My editor pops up, and I just delete
the first blank line, then save the file. All this takes less than a second.
cvs doesn't recognize that the file has been changed, it is using the file
date and evidently this is accurate only to 1 second. When I do it too fast
I get hit with this:
Log message unchanged or not specified
a)bort, c)ontinue, e)dit, !)reuse this message unchanged for remaining dirs
Action: (continue) 

But the log message *was* changed. This is a minor irritant and it slows down
my operations. Better would be if cvs did a checksum on the file to know
if it has been changed.

Just my $.02.


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