I get this message when I am trying to update a branch (same message if from a static tag or branch) and it seems to occur with some of the new files.
The branch is just a project that is being worked on and the statictag is a tag of what was released into production and is code at production level.


cvs co -r branch1 cvs server: file pin60/setup/scripts/service_um.pod exists, but has been added in revision production
cvs update -j production -Pd cvs server: file pin60/setup/scripts/service_um.pod

        cvs server: file pin60/setup/scripts/service_um.pod exists, but has been added in revision production

This will occur on trying to merge in the changes from another branch as well.
The file was created between the creation of branch1 and statictag.

What happen's is that any changes that I want bring in will not update the code on the branch.

org:Telus Advanced Communications;Internet Services
adr:;;4 -- 4595 Canada Way;Burnaby;BC;V5G 1J9;Canada
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Release Manager
fn:John Mocyk

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