I asked basically the same question earlier.  You can use the -d option to
override the value of "mine" that is saved in the CVS/Cvsroot file.

"Atkinson, Chip" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 02/15/2001 02:08:04 PM

cc:    (bcc: Wayne Johnson/MINN/Candle)
Subject:  Website development


I'm trying to set up CVS for a web development project and have come into
what appears to be a minor problem and am looking for advice on the best way
to fix the problem.

We need to all work out of the same directory, which is where the web server
works out of and we can't just set up multiple web servers because it's not
just a regular Apache or IIS setup.

When I check out the files for the web site they are "mine" even though they
are in the common directory.  When a coworker makes changes and tries to
commit the file, cvs needs my login and not my coworker's.  If I change
CVS/Root to have my coworker's login, then he (or I as he) can commit the
file in question.

The solution to the problem that occurs to me is to give everyone the same
login, but then that seems to get in the way of logging.  Every change is
from somedevacct or whatever.

Is there some other way that we can all use the same sandbox without
resorting to a generic login?

Here's the setup:

CVS Server: Linux box
CVS Clients: W-2K boxes using wincvs

Thanks in advance,


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