Our Software/OS Configurations/Settings
                RedHat 7.0
                CVS 1.11
                CVSWebEdit (lastest)
                Apache Server (version -comes with RedHat 7.0)

We followed the instructions in this link to install/configure CVS:
We followed the instructions in the file called
(cvswebclient_30sep00.tgz <http://download.sourceforge.net>
 to install/configure CVS WebEdit.

When we configure CVS, it basically creates a user and group called cvs,
and uses cvs user plus linux user in the system when doing all operation
of CVS

When we configure CVS WebEdit, it basically uses the apache user/group
when doing all operation of CVS WebEdit.

We have two client that uses the system.

(1)  WinCVS client.  Each user login as their respective user name (user
login name of the linux system)  For example joe.blow is a linux user.(
belong to CVS group)
(2)  CVS WebEdit client.  Each user login as what's created on the
apache's user - htpasswd and .htaccess file.  For example joe is an
apache user.( belong to appache group)

How do we make the apache user name have permissions on the
directories/files created by WinCVS client, and vice versa?

Other possible way is how do we make the CVS WebEdit client use the
linux system's users instead of creating user specific only to apache.

Is there other better solution available?  We prefer using the linux
users, as oppose to the apache users since most of our user are using
WinCVS Client.

Thanks in advance!

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