I tried looking within the archives for a similar problem, but couldn't
find anything similar.

  My problem:
  I have built the CVS 1.11 version on Solaris 2.6, have changed the line in
config to SystemAuth=no, and added the passwd file, with an anonymous user
to run as me on the server (anonymous::mfurmani).  Then checked in the
config and passwd file to make sure the administration files have been
updated.  I know I have the server set up correctly as I can log in as
myself using my system password, the client is CVS 1.9 and has worked fine
as myself.

  However, if I try to use the passwd file I either get an incorrect
password error if I change my password to be read from the passwd file in
CVS, or if I try to login as the anonymous user I get a stranger error - 
cvs [login aborted]: unrecognized auth response from relpbld03.navipath.net:
E Fatal error, aborting.

  Is there another configuration I need to make?  I didn't see anything else
within the documentation about setting up pserver any different than I have.



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