Hello All
I'm setting up the cvs box to send notification emails to a list of people.  I have set the loginfo admin file to :
DEFAULT (echo ""; id; echo %{sVv}; date; cat) >> $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/commitlog

And the  notify admin file to:
ALL mail %s -s"CVS notification"
And I have made a file in the $CVSROOT directory called:
which contains:
Next I added a watch to everything in my src directory using the add watch cmd in winCVS.
Now the problem I have is that when a co-worker commits a file,  He receives the following message:
new revision:1.2 previous revsion 1.1
notification ... User unknown
CVS... User unknown
collect: Cannot write ./dff25NkXp01469 (bfcommon, uid=1003): Permission denied.
queueup : cannot create queue temp file ./tff25NkXp01469 , uid=1003: Permission denied.

I have done the following checks.
I can send mail from the command line ie:
mail -s"Subject Heading" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I can do this from both my account on the cvs box, and by also logging is as my co-worker.  The loginfo seems to log data to the commitlog file.

Is this a freebsd problem or a cvs problem? and how may I go about fixing it?

Any help/pointers would be appreciated.

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