Furmaniuk, Michael writes:
>   - If I try to log in to pserver with a Username/Password set in the CVS
> passwd file I get a login failure, and the following line within my
> /var/adm/messages file 
> - Mar 12 09:17:30 relpbld03 cvs[819]: login failure (for
> /home/mfurmani/CVS/webSystems)

If you're getting syslog messages, you're not running CVS 1.11; you're
running some version of the current development version.  If your syslog
defines an LOG_AUTHPRIV facility, CVS will use it to log the username
and password it tried to use; if not, you could change to code in
server.c to log it elsewhere for debugging purposes.  Note that these
messages indicate that it is a username/password problem, not an invalid
repository problem.

>   - If I try to login with a test user, set up within the passwd file in
> CVS, I get an error on the client 
> - cvs [login aborted]: unrecognized auth response from
> relpbld03.navipath.net: E Fatal error, aborting.

I don't understand how this case is different than the previous one --
both are users defined in CVSROOT/passwd, right?

-Larry Jones

See, it all makes sense.  See?  See??  They never see. -- Calvin

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