> I am new to CVS.  Can someone recommend some steps for setting up 
> CVS.

The INSTALL file that comes with the source distribution provides some
guidance for setting it up.  After that, it pays to read the manual (and
reread it until you understand it).  See http://www.cvshome.org/.

> My CVSROOT is set to 
> c:\etweb\SrcRep\CVSROOT.  I keep getting the error "no such host c".  

That should be :local:c:/etweb/SrcRep/CVSROOT (get used to using forward
slashes with CVS instead of backward slashes -- backward slashes seem to
work right much of the time which causes a great deal of confusion when
you run into one of the cases where they don't).

-Larry Jones

I'm not a vegetarian!  I'm a dessertarian. -- Calvin

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