Laine Stump writes:
> If you want to modify your statement to say "Doing a merge using the
> tags placed on the branch at the time of the last two imports" (or
> something similar), we'll be in complete agreement, but currently the
> merge that cvs suggests does nothing of the sort, so either your
> statement is incorrect, or there is a bug in cvs.

My apologies -- you're absolutely right.  You have to use the new
release tag (it's the absence of that tag that indicates that the file
should be deleted).  So, instead of suggesting -jNET:yesterday -jNET,
CVS should be suggesting -jNET:yesterday -jSECOND, for example.  And it
should suggest it reguardless of whether there are any conflicts or not.

-Larry Jones

Girls are like slugs -- they probably serve some purpose, but
it's hard to imagine what. -- Calvin

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