With all due respect, Greg, I think Gianni made some very telling points which CVS 
will need to address if it is to survive.  I'm an independent consultant, and I try to 
bring CVS into each organization I work with.  I'm sometimes successful, but I fail at 
times for exactly the reasons Gianni articulates.

With the proliferation of MSWord, IDE project files, etc, no reasonable person can 
argue that non-text files are not a necessary part of most projects these days.  If 
CVS does not 'grow up' and attempt to support the new development environments, it 
will slowly be replaced by something that does, and CVS will ultimately become a bit 
player, promoted by a few fanatic users who try to make its case at every opportunity 
(whether appropriate or not), and ignored or laughed at by the majority of the 

I've heard your same arguments applied to Forth, OS/2, Geos, Clarion, Lotus 1-2-3, 
Wordstar, UCSD P-System... the list goes on.  I'd hate to add CVS to the list.

David Glick
Transmit Consulting, Inc

----- Original Message -----

<--- snip --->
[ On Friday, March 30, 2001 at 07:07:14 (-0800), Gianni Mariani wrote: ]
> Subject: RE: cvswrappers - any better suggestions ?
> Your point is well taken.  However, time are a changing - source code is not
> only text. Image, sound, movie, geometry, encryption key, etc etc files are
> all parts of modern day applications.  All these files need to be version
> managed just like regular files.  If we could apply an rcsmerge on these
> kinds of files, then it would be ideal.

Yes, what you say is all very well and fine.  What it means though is
that CVS is not the correct tool for use in such a diverse environment.

Obviously my point did not sink in properly though so I will say it more
clearly:  PLEASE go use something else!!!!
<--- /snip --->

----- Original Message -----

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