My understanding is that when you commit each folder is committed
individually.  So when you commit something which covers dirs, sub1 and
sub2, it actually gets run as 3 separate commits.

-- David F.

"Diego Sevilla Ruiz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])" wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi all!:
>     I have an e-mail notification when I do commit into a directory. I
> have in my CVSROOT/loginfo file an entry that looks like:
> dir (mail ....)
>     However, now I have two subdirs of that directory, call them sub1
> and sub2. When I commit something which covers dirs, sub1 and sub2, I
> receive three messages, one for each subdirectory: dir, sub1 and sub2.
>     How can I avoid receiving three messages for an *unique* commit
> which covers more than a subdirectory. In other words, should I use a
> regexp which includes an "end of string" to refer only to the "dir"
> directory, something like:
> dir$ (mail.. ..)
> or
> dir/$ (mail ...)
> or should I use another file (commitinfo, notify, etc?)
>     Please, help me, because mail notification is received by a bunch
> of people and I would like to minimize the numbers of e-mails
> to one per commit.
>     Regards and thanks in advance.
>     diego.

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