David D. Hagood writes:
> service cvspserver
> {
>          disable = no
>          id                      = cvspserver
>          env                     = HOME=/home/cvs
>          socket_type             = stream
>          protocol                = tcp
>          port                    = 2401
>          wait                    = no
>          user                    = root
>          log_on_failure          += USERID
>          server                  = /usr/bin/cvs
>          server_args             = -f --allow-root=<your root here> pserver
> }
> The /home/cvs dirctory created to work around CVS bug #1, the "cannot 
> access /root/.cvsignore" error: create this directory, make it owned by 
> root, readable by all, and not writable by anybody, and CVS will be happy.

Instead of:

        env = HOME=/home/cvs

it is much better is to specify:

        passenv = PATH

(i.e., don't pass $HOME to the server at all).

-Larry Jones

Please tell me I'm adopted. -- Calvin

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