On Thu, May 31, 2001 at 08:30:43AM -0700, Dennis Jones wrote:
> When I do an update, I get the message,
> "Terminated with fatal signal 11"
> It seems to be happening in the same place everytime, so I went to the
> directory on the CVS server where it stops, did an "ls" and found some
> #cvs.rfl.... files there.  If I try to list those files (using ls -la) to
> get their time stamp, I get a segmentation fault.

You get a seg fault from ls?  

That's bizarre.  Are you setting your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to something strange?

If not you could be having some sort of weird disk fault/errors..

> Nobody is using CVS right now, is it safe to delete those files?  Should I
> be concerned about a possible disk fault or disk errors?
> - Dennis
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