
I am running CVS on Linux in pserver mode with clients connecting using
WinCVS 1.2.
cvs is running under inetd as user 'cvs' although changing this to root has
no effect.
The cvs repository is owned by user 'cvs' and group cvsusers. The permission
correct. CVS is version 1.10.

When a user who is a member of cvsusers tries to commit a file it fails with
the message

setuid failed: Operation not permitted
cvs commit: authorization failed: server zoot rejected access to /home/src
for user testuser

Does anyone know what is actually happening here what setuid is being
The documentation tells me cvs doesn't/can't use setuid and the binary does
have the setuid bits set.

If I set the user to become user cvs or root via the passwd file it works so
I guess it must be a permission somewhere. The user testuser in this example
has access to all the directories via the group membership.

Could any replies copy me via email as I can't get usenet access here.

Many thanks,

Ian Packer.
EDS EMEA Web Hosting
Tel. +44-208-754-4904 Dial 8-939 4904
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