Dennis Jones wrote:
> I am getting the following message in a couple of files when checking out a
> branch.  The main branch (top-of-trunk) checks out fine, but several other
> branches are having trouble.  Apparently, people that already have the
> branch checked out are not seeing any errors, but doing a fresh checkout
> causes this error to occur:
> cvs [server aborted]: EOF in value in RCS file
> /vol/cvs/Projects/GenServr/SelectVehicle.dfm,v
> What is the meaning of this error, and what do I have to do in the
> repository file(s) to correct it?
> Thanks,
> - Dennis Jones

If the *.dfm format is not plain-text, you have to specify it as a
binary file (cvs add -kb SelectVehicle.dfm)



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