jquest jquest wrote:
> Hi all,
> I will to use CVS over Mandrake as CVS Server.
> I will to have password auth..
> I configured my xinetd :
> #  /etc/cvs/cvs.conf.
> service cvspserver
> {
>         disable             = no
>         port                = 2401
>         socket_type         = stream
>         protocol            = tcp
>         wait                = no
>         user                = root
>         server              = /usr/sbin/cvspserver
>         server_args         = -f --allow-root=/cvsrep/avto
> }
> My cvs.conf is:
> # -*- shell-script -*-
> #
> # Configuration file for the Mandrake CVS-related scripts
> #
> # Locations of CVS repositories you want to export via pserver
> CVS_REPOS="/cvsrep/avto"
> I start a Windows cvs client and try to connect as anonymous.
> The client return this message:
> CVS.EXE [login aborted]: could not find out home directory.
> I can not find where is the problem.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance.

Make sure $HOME is specified in your environment.


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