How big are the projects and what are the build/release process for the
shared files?

If projects are relatively small and the sharing is fairly add-hoc then I'd
go for a single project. However if you've got a separate release process
for the shared files then you could go for separate repositories. Rather
than checking out and building the shared files as part of the project, pull
in a jar (or lib or whatever) from a release directory somewhere.

In fact, I'd be tempted to have a separate build and release of the shared
files anyway so you can try and define some clear interfaces between the
projects and not end up with a tangle.


-----Original Message-----
From: Delos Nash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 21 June 2001 22:47
Subject: Concept question.

I have 4 programmers working on 2 different projects. All of them are using
cvs off the server.
I set up cvs originally as 2 different projects that each team could

Now they tell me that they have "Shared" files that each project needs.

How would you set it up? I thought I could set it up as one project with
three different modules so they could checkout
what they needed. Or Setup a third project with the shared files or is there
another idea?

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