Matt Keyes writes:
>       I'm running Slackware, I installed the latest CVS, and went through setting
> it up.  I set up the port as per the docs, and configured inetd.conf with
> the following:
> cvs -f -allow-root=/cvsroot pserver
> /cvsroot is a partition I have that will be dedicated solely to cvs.
> However, its not working.  I tried typing cvs-f -allow-root=/cvsroot pserver
> while logged in as root from the console, and it just sits there until I hit
> return or type something and hit return, then spits back the following
> message:
> cvs [pserver aborted]: bad auth protocol start: <whatever I type before
> hitting return, or blank if I just hit return>

That's exactly what it should do.  You're running it in server mode, so
it expects to be talking to a client, not a person at a keyboard.

Have you initialized your repository?  Have you set $CVSROOT?  Does it
work in local mode?  In short, do you have any idea at all what you're
doing, or are you totally lost?  Give us some more hints so we have some
idea what to do to help you.

-Larry Jones

It's not denial.  I'm just very selective about the reality I accept.
-- Calvin

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