Title: error occurs

i checked out a module using WinCVS. but when i try to commit the changes i get the following error. pls help me to solve this.

cvs -z9 commit -m "changes done by srinivas" USP_OPI_CancelItn.usp (in directory D:\OPI\opi)
Checking in USP_OPI_CancelItn.usp;
c:/cvs/opi/USP_OPI_CancelItn.usp,v  <--  USP_OPI_CancelItn.usp
new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1
cvs [commit aborted]: could not open lock file `c:/cvs/opi/,USP_OPI_CancelItn.usp,': File exists

*****CVS exited normally with code 1*****

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