Do be certain you want to remove all the items mentioned.  Then run these 
two commands to remove each.  Those are not single-quote marks, they are 
/bin/rm -rf `find /path/to/the/head/of/your/problem/directory -name #cvs.lock`
/bin/rm -rf `find /path/to/the/head/of/your/problem/directory -name 

For instance if I wanted to delete all files (and directories) named 
yousuck.txt from anywhere under my public_html directory, I would do
/bin/rm -rf `find /home/tomki/public_html -name yousuck.txt`

Caution is advised.


At 17:27 6/22/2001 -0700, Schwenk, Jeanie wrote:
>Seriously though, I've been trying to purposely break things before the
>engineers get free reign cause they will break it.  Ahem, I did a cntl-c
>while a very large commit was executing.
>I know what the problem is, it can't get a lock.  Now the doc says to
>removethe files that start with `#cvs.rfl', `#cvs.wfl', or `#cvs.lock'.   Ok
>but what about directories?   Here's what I've got:
>         #cvs.lock/
>         #cvs.wfl.pilot.25274
>Now does anyone have a script written that will travers the repository and
>remove these offending items (like I said, a LARGE commit)?  I'm hoping.  If
>not, I intend to write one before I have a major fire.  if there is any
>interest, where do I put something like that so everyone can access it?
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