kamesh jayachandran wrote:
> No cvs co - [c|s] is not giving the result that I am expecting
> Just try out
> cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvspublic login
> password:anoncvs
> then try out
> cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvspublic co -c
> It is giving something like,
> .            -a denied___checkout_of_world_takes_too_long
> apache       apache
> apache-devsite apache-devsite
> apache-site  apache-site
> conf         apache/conf
> docs         apache/htdocs
> modperl      modperl
> modperl-site modperl-site
> src          apache/src
> support      apache/support
> world        -a denied___checkout_of_world_takes_too_long
> But I expect it to give the jakarta subproject modules like
> jakarta-tomcat4.0,jakarta-velocity1.1 like that.
> I think it lists from the modules from the CVSROOT.Am I correct?

You are correct, cvs -c only gives you the modules file contents. The
other 'modules' listed on http://jakarta.apache.org/site/cvsindex.html
seem to be simple directories in the repository, and AFAIK there is no
way to get that list through cvs commands... Perhaps you could ask them
to update the modules file? :)


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